Monday, April 28, 2008

A Bit About Bull Mastiff Puppies

Bull Mastiff puppies, known as the Bullmastiff, are a descendant of the English Mastiff dog and the Old English Bulldog. The male Bullmastiff weighs between 110 and 140 pounds, while the female weighs between 100 and 120 pounds. It has a square-shaped head with a black muzzle, and intelligent hazel eyes.

Learn More About Bull Mastiff Puppies

Originally, game keepers used this dog to assail poachers. The Bullmastiff was trained to track, tackle, and pin poachers down without biting them. The Bullmastiff dogs do well as indoor pets. They are often bought as guard dogs to protect the family. However, usually this breed will not attack intruders, instead they will immobilize the stranger and stand between the family and the intruder. The Bull Mastiff puppy tends to be a bit lazy. Regular exercise and small meals several times a day can help them avoid these problems.

Learn More About Bull Mastiff Puppies

The Bullmastiff is a powerful but sensitive dog. Bull Mastiff puppies should be properly cared for and trained to enjoy as the family pet. They are a great dog for owners who are firm but kind. They will be protective, loving, and loyal.

Till Next Time!

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